30 |
Rag and Bone
(Se Compran Corazones o escaleras viejas que venda) |
2018 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Noah Haidle, starring Plutarco Haza, Fabiola Campomanes and Héctor Kotsikakis. Directed by Antonio Serrano. López Tarso Theatre. |
29 |
La Tequilera |
2017 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Ximena Escalante, starring Daniela Schmidt, Carolina Politi and Mauricio Isaac. Directed by Antonio Serrano. Juan Ruiz de Alarcón Theatre, CCU UNAM. |
28 |
Cuando había granadas en noviembre |
2016 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Leticia Huijara, starring Leticia Huijara, Raúl Briones and Antonio Saavedra. Directed by Mario Espinoza. El Galeón Theatre. |
27 |
Crimes of the Heart
(Crímenes del corazón) |
2014 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Beth Henley starring Marina de Tavira, Irene Azuela and Ilse Salas. Helénico
Theatre. |
26 |
Tennessee, En Cuerpo y Alma |
2012 |
Musicalization and sound design |
Play by Ximena Escalante starring Itatí Cantoral, Hernán Mendoza, Dora Cordero and Eduardo Tanús. Casa del Lago Theatre. |
25 |
Love, loss and what I wore
(Amor, dolor, ¡y lo que traía puesto!) |
2012 |
Composer and musicalization |
Play by Nora Ephron & Delia Ephron,based on the book by Ilene Beckerman. Starring Silvia Pinal, Diana Bracho, Susana Zabaleta, Mariana Treviño and Gabriela de la Garza at Insurgentes Theatre. |
24 |
A view from a bridge
Panorama desde el puente) |
2012 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Arthur Miller, directed byJosé Solé, starring Mauricio Islas, Lumi Cavazos, Sara Maldonado, Mauricio Martínez, Fabian Robles y Patricio Castillo at Helénico
Theatre. |
23 |
Misery |
2011 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Simon Moore, based on Stephen King's novel,
directed by Tony Castro starring Damián Alcázar
& Itati Cantoral at Foro Cultural Chapultepec. |
22 |
Sin cura o a Dios le dije |
2011 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play and direction by Manolo Caro starring Zuria Vega,
Ana Serradilla, Silvia Navarro, Stephanie Salas and Luis Gerardo
Méndez at Sala Chopin. |
21 |
The Collector¡
(El Coleccionista) |
2010 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by John Fowles, adapted by Mark Healy,
directed by Benjamín Cann starring Bárbara Mori and Bruno
Bichir at Helénico Theatre. |
20 |
Rainman |
2010 |
Music arrangement |
Play by Dan Gordon, starring: Plutarco Haza & Alfonso Herrera at
Diego Rivera Theatre. |
19 |
El Juicio de Hidalgo |
2010 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Written and directed by Miguel Sabido starring Jorge Ortiz
de Pinedo, Angélica Aragón and Eduardo Santamaría
at Hidalgo Theatre. |
18 |
(Juegos Siniestros) |
2010 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Anthony Shaffer, directed by Enrique Singer, starring
Daniel Jiménez Cacho and José María Yazpik
at Insurgentes Theatre. |
17 |
La Güera Rodríguez |
2010 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Federico S. Inclán,
directed by Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo, starring Chantal
Andere, Carlos Benavides and Carlos Ignacio at Helénico
Theatre. |
16 |
All about my mother
(Todo sobre mi madre) |
2010 |
Sound Design & Musical Direction |
Play by Samuel Adamson, based on the film by Pedro
directed by Francisco Franco Alba, Teatro de los Insurgentes
with Lisa Owen, Ana Claudia Talancón and Margarita Gralia.
Music by Alberto Iglesias. |
15 |
All my sons
(Todos eran mis hijos) |
2009 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Arthur Miller, directed by Francisco Franco Alba,
starring Diana Bracho, Fernando Luján, Silvia Navarro
and Osvaldo Benavides at Helénico Theatre. |
14 |
Los Delitos Insignificantes |
2005 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Directed by Francisco Franco Alba, Starring Leticia Huijara, Helénico Theatre. |
13 |
Pareja Abierta |
2005 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Darío Fo, directed by Francisco
Franco Alba, starring Rebeca Jones and Alejandro Camacho, Wilberto
Cantón theatre. |
12 |
El Tiempo de Planck |
La Vaca Voladora |
2005 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Sergi Belbel, directed by Francisco Franco
Alba, Shakespeare Forum. |
11 |
Frankie & Johnny |
Operadora Teatral MG |
2003 |
Sound Design |
Play by
Terence McNally, Directed by Francisco Franco Alba, with
Claudette Maille, Ofelia Theatre. |
10 |
Retrato de la artista desempleada |
Eje Siete Vialidad Artística |
2003 |
Sound Design |
Play by
Becky Mode, Directed by Francisco Franco Alba, with Rebeca
Jones, at Centro Teatral Manolo Fábregas. |
9 |
Baño de Damas |
Leticia Huijara |
2003 |
Sound Design |
Play by
Rodolfo Santana, Directed by Francisco Franco Alba, with
Leticia Huijara, Helénico Theatre. |
8 |
Boing |
Gilberto Soberanes |
2002 |
Sound Design |
Play by
Tomás Casademunt, Directed by Francisco Franco Alba,
with Claudette Maille, Julio Castillo Theatre. |
7 |
Venecia |
Operadora Teatral MG |
2001 |
Sound Design |
Play by
Jorge Accame, Directed by Francisco Franco Alba, with Ana
Ofelia Murguía, Leticia Huijara and Marta Aura, Lídice Theatre. |
6 |
Actos Indecentes, los tres juicios de Oscar Wilde |
Operadora Teatral MG |
1999 |
Sound Design |
Play by
Moises Kaufman, Directed by Francisco Franco Alba, Telón
de Asfalto Theatre. |
5 |
Paul Auster's Red notebook
(El Cuaderno Rojo de Paul Auster) |
Sonia Riquer |
1997 |
Sound Design |
Play by
Paul Auster, adapted and Directed by Francisco Franco Alba,
with Claudette Maille, Helénico Theatre. |
4 |
A Streetcar named desire
Tranvía Llamado
Deseo) |
CNA/Rafael Cortez |
1996 |
Composer & Sound Design |
by Tenesee Williams, directed by Francisco Franco Alba,
200 shows Helénico
theatre starring Diana Bracho. |
Un tranvía llamado Deseo |
Un tranvía llamado Deseo |
3 |
Mujer Judía |
1994 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Bertolt Brecht, directed by
Juan Carlos de Llaca, Santa Catarina theatre. |
2 |
Modigliani |
Nacional de Teatro / Conaculta |
1993 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Play by Dennis McIntyre, directed
by Victor Weinstock. Sponsored by Instituto Nacional de
Bella Artes (INBA), El Granero theatre. |
1 |
Las Amargas Luces de la Aurora |
I.M.S.S. |
1992 |
Composer & Sound Design |
Two hour adaptation from Jean-Paul Sartre's
"Trojan Women". Directed by Angeles Castro at
the Reforma Theatre. |
Sound Design: Sound effects and ambiences, recording,
editing, music selection, placement and programming. |